Pebble Smartwatches Are Now Compatible With Pixel 7 Phones

This is a huge update as it not only provides support for the Pixel 7 series but also for other Android phones in the future. Currently, the Pixel 7 and 7 Pro are the only devices to only support 64-bit apps. Pebble smartwatches will support the Pixel 7 Series Pebble smartwatches will support the Pixel 7 Series Support for the Pebble app officially ended in 2018 after the company seized its operations....

April 6, 2023 · 2 min · 355 words · Joseph Anderson

Random Acts Of Kindness

Christmas isn’t just about presents, shopping, friends, and family. It’s about celebrating the meaning of Christmas. The birth of Jesus Christ and what that means in each of our own lives. I think that sometimes in the hustle & bustle of it all, we get confused on what we are celebrating. I know that for young children it can even be harder since they aren’t able to really come up with presents for others, or can’t focus beyond the point of getting presents....

April 6, 2023 · 2 min · 413 words · Jack Thomas

Saiba Como Ativar Os Recursos De Privacidade No Facebook

Uma pesquisa realizada esse ano pela NordVPN, um provedor/fornecedor de serviços de Virtual Private Network ou Rede Privada Virtual, sobre o uso das redes sociais no mundo verificou que os brasileiros passam cerca de 90 horas semanais nos aplicativos. Então está mais do que na hora de nos mantermos seguros, não é mesmo? Grupos de cursos online, mentorias e outros do nosso interesse existem aos montes no Facebook e não dá pra deixar de utilizar a rede por insegurança com os seus dados....

April 6, 2023 · 3 min · 527 words · Michael Johnson

Teaching Kids How To Meditate And Getting Schools On Board Too

He recently sat down with Ali Smith, executive director of the Holistic Life Foundation. Ali has helped develop and pilot yoga and mindfulness programs at public and private schools, drug treatment centers, juvenile detention centers, mental crisis facilities, and retreat centers, both nationally and internationally. In this episode, Michael and Ali discuss how he got schools to believe in his mission, and the ways in which the foundation has made a big impact in many kids’ lives....

April 6, 2023 · 10 min · 2032 words · Suzanne Williams

Tineco Reveals World S First Smart Carpet Cleaner At Ces 2022

The manufacturer said the CARPET ONE is easy to use and while also assisting in cleaning hard-to-reach areas such as stairs. The company offers a stain remover tool and an additional hose to clean remote regions of your home. Tineco’s CARPET ONE offers 130AW of suction coupled with 1300W motor power. Tineco said this carpet cleaner also comes with iLoop Smart Sensor Technology. This can detect the messiest parts of the floor/carpet and generate the appropriate suction and water accordingly....

April 6, 2023 · 2 min · 295 words · Michael Mcdonald
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